The Best Fastener to Safely Install Hand Railing on Your Deck Stairs

If you are won­der­ing how to install a hand rail­ing on deck stairs with­out using a cum­ber­some, time-con­sum­ing car­riage bolt or through bolt, we have the answer. With the Thru­LOK fas­ten­er, you can cre­ate a firm, secure con­nec­tion between rim boards and posts with no pre-drilling, few­er com­po­nents, and few­er tools. 

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Utilizing ThruLOK for Deck Hand Rail Posts

Installing hand rail­ings on deck stairs or anoth­er con­nec­tion point with Thru­LOK is much faster than the tra­di­tion­al through bolt or car­riage bolt. The sys­tem con­sists of three parts: a hex-head screw, wash­er, and nut. Sim­ply dri­ve the screw into the wood where a con­nec­tion is need­ed. Once the screw is dri­ven tight­ly, sim­ply go to the oppo­site end to screw down the nut, which has pad­dles (sim­i­lar to a wing nut) that allow users to tight­en down the con­nec­tion by hand. 

ThruLOK® Structural deck screws connecting multiple wood supports

The Thru­LOK sys­tem for decks, includ­ing deck rails and deck stairs, is engi­neered for long-last­ing qual­i­ty. The fas­ten­er meets IRC ACQ require­ments for cor­ro­sion resis­tance, and the Thru­LOK screw has also been test­ed and backed by advanced, up-to-date engi­neer­ing data that meets cur­rent ICC stan­dards. This prod­uct is so reli­able that we have pro­vid­ed a life­time per­for­mance guar­an­tee on the product.

It’s not just reli­able, it’s ver­sa­tile. The Thru­LOK fas­ten­ing sys­tem can be used on var­i­ous mate­ri­als, including: 

  • Mul­ti­ply beams

  • Deck posts

  • Car­ry­ing beams

Trust in the ThruLOK System from FastenMaster

If you want to cre­ate durable, long-last­ing con­nec­tions in mere sec­onds, upgrade to the Thru­LOK sys­tem from Fas­ten­Mas­ter. You’ll spend less time mak­ing deck con­nec­tions, and more time enhanc­ing effi­cien­cy, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and profitability. 

For more infor­ma­tion on the Thu­LOK sys­tem or any of our inno­v­a­tive fas­ten­ers, con­tact the experts at Fas­ten­Mas­ter today.