Ledger LOK Flat Head Installation copy



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The Ledger­LOK Ledger Board Fas­ten­er has been designed specif­i­cal­ly for attach­ing the deck ledger to a rim joist or band board of the house in a code com­pli­ant man­ner. When installed as instruct­ed in this bul­letin, the Ledger­LOK can be used to replace the 12″ Lag Screws called for in Chap­ter 5 of the Inter­na­tion­al Res­i­den­tial Code (IRC).

In addi­tion, the pro­pri­etary coat­ing on this fas­ten­er exceeds the cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion pro­vid­ed by code approved hot-dipped gal­va­nized coatings.


  • Choose 3 — 58 “ or 5” Ledger­LOK so that threads ful­ly engage the rim mate­r­i­al and fas­ten­er tip extends beyond the inside face of the rim joist
  • Use a high torque, 12″ vari­able speed drill (18V if cordless)
  • Fol­low the min­i­mum spac­ing and fas­ten­ing pat­terns from Fig­ure 1 and Table 1
  • Install fas­ten­ers through the ledger and sheath­ing. Con­tin­ue in to the rim joist until the wash­er head is drawn firm and flush
  • to the ledger board. Do not overdrive.


The pro­pri­etary gal­va­nized and poly­mer coat­ing applied to the Ledger­LOK has been test­ed under the cur­rent ICC stan­dard for eval­u­at­ing cor­ro­sion resis­tance in treat­ed lum­ber (AC257) and deemed suit­able alter­na­tive to code-approved hot-dipped gal­va­nized coat­ings when exposed to ground con­tact ACQ preser­v­a­tive treat­ment in wet-use con­di­tions. A state­ment of this com­pli­ance can be found in the ICC Eval­u­a­tion Report for Ledger­LOK (ESR #1078), avail­able online at icc​-es​.org or the Fas­ten­Mas­ter website.

For appli­ca­tions with­in 1,000 feet of salt­wa­ter, we rec­om­mend the use of a stain­less steel fastener.


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Fas­ten­ers should be stag­gered in a V” pat­tern and spaced as follows:

  1. Min­i­mum end dis­tance = 3 – 34
  2. Min­i­mum edge dis­tance = 2″
  3. On-cen­ter spac­ing = Per Table 1


Deter­mine the prop­er spac­ing of Ledger­LOK fas­ten­ers from Table 1 below based on:

  • Live load require­ment for your local code
  • Ledger mate­r­i­al being attached to the house
  • Rim mate­r­i­al that you are attach­ing to
  • Joist span as mea­sured from the ledger to the first sup­port­ing beam
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Ledger­LOK fas­ten­ing pat­terns out­lined in this table pro­vide equal or bet­ter per­for­mance to lag screw pat­terns in the 2009, 2012 and 2015 IRC in accor­dance with IRC sec­tions R104.11 and in accor­dance with gen­er­al­ly accept­ed engi­neer­ing prac­tice. Design val­ues used to cre­ate these pat­terns were derived from indi­vid­ual fas­ten­er test­ing under ICC Accep­tance Cri­te­ria AC233 (ESR #1078) as well as full sys­tem test­ing direct­ly com­par­ing lag screw and Ledger­LOK per­for­mance in ledger to rim con­nec­tions using gen­er­al­ly accept­ed indus­try stan­dards used to gen­er­ate the IRC fas­ten­er spac­ing tables for lag screws.

  • Ledger mate­ri­als must be a min­i­mum of 2×8 no minal dimen­sion­al pres­sure-preser­v­a­tive-treat­ed No.2 lum­ber from any of the fol­low­ing species: Hem-Fir, SPF, Dou­glas Fir or South­ern Pine
  • Rim joist mate­ri­als must be either sol­id sawn 2x lum­ber or engi­neered wood specif­i­cal­ly des­ig­nat­ed by the man­u­fac­tur­er as rim mate­r­i­al. 2x lum­ber may be of any species greater than 0.42 spe­cif­ic grav­i­ty, includ­ing SPF, HF or DF. Engi­neered Wood (EW) Rim may be OSB, LSL or LVL mate­r­i­al mea­sur­ing 1″ or greater in thickness
  • Sheat­ing of 1532″ or 716OSB may sep­a­rate the ledger and rim but must be attached per code. For addi­tion­al mate­ri­als between ledger and rim, please refer to the guide­lines below.

Wet ser­vice con­di­tions have been test­ed for and applied to the pat­terns above. No fur­ther reduc­tions for wet ser­vice need to be applied..

The code-stan­dard dead load for build­ing mate­ri­als of 10 pounds per square foot is assumed in all cal­cu­la­tions above.

As required by IRC Sec­tion 507.2.1, the cal­cu­la­tions and instal­la­tion instruc­tions found in this bul­letin have been reviewed and found to be in accor­dance with accept­ed engi­neer­ing prac­tices. For a copy of the engi­neer stamped/​sealed let­ter or fur­ther tech­ni­cal infor­ma­tion to sup­port this bul­letin, please con­tact Fas­ten­Mas­ter at 800.518.3569.


  • The Ledger­LOK is not designed for attach­ment to masonry/​concrete or over stuc­co, sid­ing, rigid foam insu­la­tion or brick veneer
  • Con­nec­tion sand joints shall be prop­er­ly flashed to pre­vent water from con­tact­ing the rim joist
  • Where a pos­i­tive con­nec­tion to the rim joist can­not be ver­i­fied through inspec­tion, decks shall be self-supporting.
  • Ledgers should not be attached over can­tilevered por­tions of the house where the rim is unsup­port­ed by a foundation.
  • For ledgers being attached to open web floor truss­es, con­sult Attach­ment of Res­i­den­tial Deck Ledger to Met­al Plate. Con­nect­ed Wood Truss Floor Sys­tem” pub­lished by the Struc­tur­al Build­ing Com­po­nent Asso­ci­a­tion for prop­er design meth­ods. This Tech­ni­cal Note can be found at www​.sbcin​dus​try​.com
  • Under the fol­low­ing con­di­tions, the Ledger­LOK may still be approved, but a design pro­fes­sion­al should be consulted.

Prop­er spac­ing requirements:

  • In areas where live load require­ments exceed 60 psf or snow load require­ments exceed 70 psf

  • For decks designed to car­ry increased dead loads (ex: hot tubs, sta­tion­ary planters)

  • Three-sea­­son or ful­ly enclosed decks sup­port­ing an over­head roof.

    All local code require­ments as well as guide­lines set for thin this tech­ni­cal bul­letin must be fol­lowed for pat­terns out­lined above to be applicable.


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