FastenMaster Recycling Program Saves 100 Tons of Plastic Waste from Landfills

As part of its commitment to reducing the environmental impact across the manufacturing process, FastenMaster has developed a recycling program that in 2021 saved over 100 tons of waste from being sent to landfills.

Agawam, Mass., April 2022 – As part of its com­mit­ment to reduc­ing the envi­ron­men­tal impact across the man­u­fac­tur­ing process, Fas­ten­Mas­ter, a divi­sion of OMG, Inc., has devel­oped a recy­cling pro­gram that in 2021 saved over 100 tons of waste from being sent to landfills. 

Through­out 2021, Fas­ten­Mas­ter focused on reduc­ing waste gen­er­at­ed by pro­duc­ing deck­ing plugs for its inno­v­a­tive Cor­tex Hid­den Fas­ten­ing Sys­tem, designed for use with com­pos­ite, cap-stock, and PVC deck­ing boards, as well as PVC trim. Since its intro­duc­tion in 2008, the Cor­tex Hid­den Fas­ten­ing Sys­tem has been adopt­ed by vir­tu­al­ly all deck­ing and trim man­u­fac­tur­ers and has become the #1 plug-based hid­den fas­ten­ing sys­tem in North America. 

Since Cor­tex plugs are pro­duced direct­ly from each manufacturer’s deck­ing and trim boards for match­ing pur­pos­es, waste mate­r­i­al can be recy­cled into new board stock. In 2021, Fas­ten­Mas­ter recy­cled 200,000 pounds of PVC mate­r­i­al, sav­ing near­ly 100 tons of waste from land­fills, and result­ing in tens of thou­sands of new deck­ing and trim products.

For us, recy­cling is not just about the impact our prod­ucts have on our pro con­trac­tors, but rather the impact they have on our plan­et,” said John McMa­hon, vice pres­i­dent of FastenMaster’s deck­ing busi­ness unit. Con­vert­ing sev­er­al dump­sters of PVC waste each month into new com­pos­ite deck­ing and trim is not only just a start of what we can do, but it’s the right thing to do for the environment.”