Explore FastenMaster's range of Trex clips designed for secure and hidden fastening solutions in Trex decking installations.

Tiger Claw TC‑G for Trex Clips by FastenMaster

Fas­ten­Mas­ter’s Tiger Claw TC‑G clips are designed to blend seam­less­ly with Trex deck­ing, pro­vid­ing a sleek, flaw­less fin­ish that pri­or­i­tizes dura­bil­i­ty and weath­er resis­tance for your out­door space.

Why Choose FastenMaster’s Tiger Claw TC‑G for Trex Clips?

Tiger Claw TC‑G clips are specif­i­cal­ly engi­neered for high per­for­mance in com­pos­ite deck­ing instal­la­tions. Con­struct­ed from durable mate­ri­als, these clips ensure reli­able, secure fas­ten­ing while pre­serv­ing the pris­tine appear­ance of your deck.

Their easy instal­la­tion process, com­bined with a hid­den fas­ten­ing sys­tem, ensures pro­fes­sion­al results with­out vis­i­ble screw heads, main­tain­ing your deck­’s aes­thet­ic integri­ty. These clips fea­ture upward-point­ing prongs that grip the deck board­’s grooves, pro­vid­ing a strong and last­ing hold.

The TC‑G clips auto­mat­i­cal­ly space the boards for easy instal­la­tion, ensur­ing con­sis­tent spac­ing and align­ment across your deck. This sys­tem is ide­al for Trex deck­ing and sim­i­lar mate­ri­als, cre­at­ing a seam­less, gap-free deck sur­face.

Why Choose FastenMaster’s Tiger Claw TC‑G for Trex Clips?

When select­ing Tiger Claw TC‑G clips from Fas­ten­Mas­ter, you ben­e­fit from:

  • Seam­less Inte­gra­tion: Hid­den fas­ten­ing ensures a smooth, unin­ter­rupt­ed deck sur­face that enhances the beau­ty of your deck.
  • Stain­less Steel: These clips are engi­neered from high-qual­i­ty mate­ri­als for long-last­ing reli­a­bil­i­ty, even in harsh weath­er conditions.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al Results: Sim­pli­fied instal­la­tion pro­motes a pol­ished, pro­fes­sion­al-grade fin­ish, sup­port­ed by tools like the Tiger Claw Instal­la­tion Gun, which speeds up the process and ensures precision.
  • Pro­jectLife™ War­ran­ty: These strong & durable clips are guar­an­teed to last for the life of the project.

Where To Buy Tiger Claw TC‑G for Trex Clips?

Fas­ten­Mas­ter’s Tiger Claw TC‑G clips can be pur­chased from autho­rized deal­ers and retail­ers. Use the Fas­ten­Mas­ter deal­er loca­tor and find a dis­trib­u­tor near you, or reach out to cus­tomer ser­vice for fur­ther assis­tance.

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