Fiberon Hidden Deck Fasteners: The Key to a Clean and Streamlined Deck

Fiberon is an inno­v­a­tive man­u­fac­tur­er that cre­ates high-qual­i­ty com­pos­ite deck­ing and rail­ing prod­ucts. They make a vari­ety of deck­ing mate­ri­als from com­pos­ite PE and PVC mate­ri­als which vir­tu­al­ly elim­i­nates rot, splin­ter­ing, and warp­ing. Fiberon deck­ing not only lasts for decades, it has a visu­al appeal that cre­ates an ele­gant deck. 

Their prod­ucts are trust­ed by deck builders and loved by home­own­ers, but they require spe­cial fas­ten­ers to ensure a clean, ele­gant, flaw­less, long-last­ing appearance.

Fas­ten­Mas­ter pro­vides numer­ous prod­ucts that can be used to install Fiberon deck­ing. This includes the sim­ple yet cut­ting-edge Tra­pEase 3 screws for com­pos­ite mate­ri­als, as well as hid­den fas­ten­ers that clamp the deck­ing firm­ly in place

FastenMaster TrapEase 3 Composite Deck Screw

The Tra­pEase 3 deck screw is the only fas­ten­er cur­rent­ly avail­able that has been cre­at­ed for three dif­fer­ent deck­ing mate­ri­als. The screw can be used for com­pos­ite, PVC, or cap­stock mate­ri­als, which makes it one of the most ver­sa­tile options for cre­at­ing a world-class deck.

Fiberon Hidden Fasteners: Clean & Streamlined Decking

From top to bot­tom, this fas­ten­er has been cre­at­ed to deliv­er supe­ri­or results, easy instal­la­tion, and long-last­ing qual­i­ty. At the tip of the screw, Fas­ten­Mas­ter added a cut­ting point that helps dri­ve the screw into the mate­r­i­al. Strong thread­ing pulls the screw into the board for fast and firm installation. 

At the top of the screw, Fas­ten­Mas­ter has includ­ed the inno­v­a­tive TORX ttap dri­ve sys­tem, which resists strip-outs and pre­vents wob­bling dur­ing instal­la­tion. It fea­tures a sta­bil­i­ty but­ton that match­es the drill bit, which comes free with the pack­age of screws. This keeps the screw straight dur­ing instal­la­tion, reduces instal­la­tion time, and enhances final quality. 

To make the fas­ten­er even more reli­able, the screw has a cor­ro­sion-resis­tant coat­ing to ensure that the met­al can with­stand decades of wear and weather.

In addi­tion to the unique screw design, the pack­age comes with a hole guide for per­fect instal­la­tion. The guide is built into the pack­ag­ing lid so installers will nev­er be with­out this nec­es­sary tool. The guide has instal­la­tion holes for straight and 45-degree deck­ing assists with the over­all process, regard­less of the layout. 

Fas­ten­Mas­ter has man­u­fac­tured Tra­pEase 3 screws to match a vari­ety of Fiberon deck­ing prod­ucts. Tra­pEase Fas­cia shows how to match the prop­er screws with Fiberon deck­ing prod­ucts. For exam­ple, the Tiki Torch col­or blends with Fiberon’s Cab­in, Ipe, and West­ern Cedar products.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Fas­ten­Mas­ter offers the Cor­tex Hid­den Fas­ten­ing Sys­tem for Fiberon, one of the fastest and eas­i­est ways to hide fas­ten­ers with Fiberon deck­ing systems.

Tiger Claw Hidden Fastening Clip and Other Accessories

Anoth­er prod­uct that is extreme­ly effec­tive for Fiberon deck­ing is the Tiger Claw hid­den fas­ten­ing clip. The stain­less steel clip is made for grooved deck­ing prod­ucts and fea­tures sharp prongs that embed into the upper por­tion of the groove in order to cre­ate a strong hold that lasts for decades. With a stain­less steel screw that comes as part of the sys­tem, as well as a match­ing bit, an installer has every­thing they need for quick, effec­tive, code-com­pli­ant installation. 

Vis­it our Fas​ten​Mas​ter​.com today to find a retail­er near you. You’ll have the deck­ing prod­ucts you need to effec­tive­ly install Fiberon deck­ing mate­ri­als for your next project.