Understanding TimberLOK Screws vs. Hurricane Ties

A strong last­ing con­nec­tion is need­ed to prop­er­ly secure struc­tur­al mem­bers like truss­es and rafters. For decades, hur­ri­cane ties were the pre­scribed method for attach­ing these mate­ri­als to top plates. Requir­ing ten nails, each ham­mered one at a time, this method con­sumed time and drained productivity.

Now, there is a new option for builders and con­trac­tors: Tim­ber­LOK screws from FastenMaster.

Timberlok Truss & Rafter to Top Plate Structural Wood Screws

TimberLOK vs. Hurricane Ties: Two Methods for Attaching Trusses and Rafters

How to Install Hurricane Ties

Hur­ri­cane ties have been an effec­tive way to make struc­tur­al con­nec­tions between a rafter or truss and the top plate. How­ev­er, they are a time-con­­sum­ing method that requires ten nails that need to be ham­mered into place one at a time.

To install a hur­ri­cane tie, you need to hold the met­al piece in place and ham­mer the first nail to secure it to the truss or rafter. Once the first nail is in place, installers can secure the unit by ham­mer­ing the remain­ing nails; five on the top and five on the bottom.

Installing hur­ri­cane ties is a secure method to make this con­nec­tion but it can take as much as a minute to install a sin­gle hur­ri­cane tie. (In a demon­stra­tion, the hur­ri­cane tie required 54 sec­onds to install.) Over the course of build­ing a sin­­gle-fam­i­ly home or a major mul­ti-fam­i­ly project, these min­utes can add up to a lot of time and labor, espe­cial­ly on large projects.

6” TimberLOK

Alter­na­tive­ly, Tim­ber­LOK screws offer a faster and eas­i­er way of secur­ing truss­es and rafters. TimberLOK’s are made of car­bon steel and heat-treat­ed to achieve the right bal­ance between strength and duc­til­i­ty allow­ing them to with­stand the lat­er­al and uplift loads placed on a truss. Instead of need­ing a hur­ri­cane tie and ten nails (and a ham­mer, of course), installers sim­ply need a Tim­ber­LOK screw and a drill with the appro­pri­ate bit.

Timber LOK hex head crop copy

To install a Tim­ber­LOK, place the point of the screw on the under­side of the top plate direct­ly under­neath the truss and dri­ve through the top plate into the truss/​rafter at a 22.5‑degree angle. If the truss is direct­ly over a stud, place the point of the screw in the seam between the stud and the top plate and dri­ve the screw at the 22.5‑degree angle. The screw will pull the rafter or truss tight, com­plet­ing the con­nec­tion in seconds.

Over­all, it takes about 5 sec­onds to install a Tim­ber­LOK fas­ten­er.

Find the Best Fasteners with FastenMaster

With the Tim­ber­LOK sys­tem, you can get rid of time-con­­sum­ing hur­ri­cane ties. Instead, your team can sim­ply drill Tim­ber­LOK screws into place and reduce the time, mon­ey, and effort, all while meet­ing code.

Con­tact the experts at Fas­ten­Mas­ter today or call 800−518−3569 for more information!