CTC INST Predrill Terrain

Collated Cortex® Plugs Now Available for Scalloped TimberTech Composite Decking

FastenMaster’s Cor­tex hid­den fas­ten­ing line, the industry’s most pop­u­lar hid­den deck fas­ten­ing sys­tem, is now avail­able with an easy-to-use hand guide for scal­loped Tim­berTech boards. The hand guide helps installers prop­er­ly align the fas­ten­ers through the thick­est por­tion or pil­lars’ of the scal­loped boards for max­i­mum engage­ment and strength. The new col­lat­ed Cor­tex Plugs and hand guide are imme­di­ate­ly avail­able for Tim­berTech Ter­rain+ boards, includ­ing Nat­ur­al White Oak, Weath­ered Oak and Dark Oak.

In time stud­ies, instal­la­tion of pre-aligned, col­lat­ed Cor­tex plugs has been shown to be up to 50% faster than loose plugs for improved job­site pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and time sav­ings. In addi­tion, all Cor­tex Plugs are made from the same com­pos­ite mate­r­i­al as the board for a 100% per­fect col­or and tex­ture match and are war­rantied for the life of the project. Cor­tex fas­ten­ers are 2.5‑inches long (64 mm) and fea­ture a TORX® ttap® dri­ve sys­tem for supe­ri­or bit engage­ment and a sta­ble, wob­ble-free instal­la­tion experience.

The new col­ors of Cor­tex Plugs are avail­able on col­lat­ed strips in 100 lin­ear feet and bulk 300 square foot con­fig­u­ra­tions. Each plas­tic water­tight pack­age includes enough fas­ten­ers and plugs to install the req­ui­site lin­ear or square footage of Tim­berTech deck­ing, assum­ing two fas­ten­ers installed 16-inch­es on cen­ter. In addi­tion, the 100LF pack includes two Cor­tex set­ting tools and one align­ment guide, while the 300 sq. ft. pack includes six set­ting tools and two align­ment guides. 

Estab­lished in 1981, Fas­ten­Mas­ter is a brand of fas­ten­ing solu­tions for pro­fes­sion­al con­trac­tors. Its prod­ucts are engi­neered for struc­tur­al, deck­ing, and trim appli­ca­tions in res­i­den­tial con­struc­tion, and its prod­uct line includes the LOK Line of struc­tur­al wood screws, Tiger Claw Hid­den Deck Clip Sys­tem, Truss­BRACE roof truss sup­port sys­tem, as well as Cor­tex Hid­den Fas­ten­ing Sys­tems for deck and trim applications.